Sometimes you might find yourself in debt which is becoming an uphill task to pay, and it takes a little time before creditors come to collect their debt. The scene turns out uglier, especially if the creditor has difficulty recovering the debt, and he may hire debt collectors. 

The debtors will do anything to recover the debt, including suing you. When the creditor is over your neck trying to make you pay, you need a top debt collection attorney to guide you through the legal situation.

You don’t have to do it yourself or wait until things get out of hand; here are the signs that should make you hire a debt defense attorney.

  • You have received threats or a lawsuit from the creditor
  • You have a lawsuit from a debt collection agency
  • A lot of calls from creditors all the time threatening you with a lawsuit
  • When you have debt, and it is becoming hard to pay on time

What the debt defense lawyer does is help you through the process and ensure the creditor asks for the right amount of money. Here are the reasons why you should get a top debt collection attorney.

Main Reason to Hire a Top Debt Collection Attorney

The Debt Collection Attorney is Skilled in the Field

There would be no better person to hold your hands when facing debt collectors as a debt collection attorney. The attorney will guide you on the ins and outs of debt collection, and the attorney’s advice will equip you with legal protection rights against the creditor. Since it is their area of expertise, they will give you legal advice that will benefit you.

The Debt Collection Attorney Will Take up a Suitable Course of Action

Debt collection can get complicated, especially if your debt has been sold several times. The debt collection attorney will look at the debt claim check to see if you paid and confirm if the debt passed the statute limitation. The debt defense lawyer will advise you on the best action to take.

Debt Validation

The creditor must go through the debt validation process to get the right to collect the debt. Your debt collection attorney will ensure the debt collector complies with the law before the collection attempt. 

And if the creditor has not complied with the law, the debt defense attorney disputes their collection method. The attorney will ensure that if the creditor doesn’t follow the validation procedure, they cannot claim the debt; in other cases, they might face penalties.

Limits Contacting Debtors

The Federal Debt Collection Practices Act limits how the creditor should contact the debtor. Here are limits the debt collector has, and some still practice

  • Calling very early or late hours of the day
  • Threatening you with an arrest
  •  Harassment and use of profane language
  • Impersonating as government representatives or lawyers
  • Misrepresenting the debt amount you owe them

If the debt collectors harass or threaten you in any way, they could get liable for damages caused. Your debt defense attorney will help you to take legal action against illegal collection practices that may cause physical or psychological harm.


The debt collection lawyer will help you get the best option when the debt collector contacts you. They will help take the best action against the situation, and in case there are a threat and illegal debt collection practices, they will help you handle the collection where your debt may be reduced or even eliminated. Don’t be prey to debt collectors; you have a right as a debtor, and there is a proper channel the creditor should use to recover their money.

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