When the internet first became a fixture in businesses, it was fairly easy to secure the business against hackers. It was simply a case of securing the four walls of the business, usually using a firewall and antivirus software. Provided employees didn’t intentionally or unintentionally circumnavigate these protections, there was a good chance the business would stay secure. However, with the introduction of mobile technology, this has turned the business security game on its head. It’s no longer enough to secure the four walls of a business because devices are going in and out all the time. Further, employees are taking a more relaxed approach to their working environment and might check work emails on the train or download documents over a cafe wifi network.

Security isn’t the only reason a company might want to consider switching to the cloud. There are numerous arguments for upgrading your systems, including opening up the possibility of using big data to make smarter decisions. There are also more opportunities for seamless collaboration between team members whether they are in different cities or different countries. For example, if you run operations in Manchester and London, you’ll be all too familiar with the problem of file compatibility and keeping files up-to-date. When using cloud services, Manchester and London teams can work together seamlessly. In an increasingly connected world, switching to cloud technology could be the only way to gain control of your company data and keep it safe. Here are just some of the ways the cloud can make your company more secure…

Keep private data private

One of the biggest problems facing companies is the risk of their data falling into the wrong hands. At worst, hackers might gain access to customer data which will leave the company directly liable. At best, the hackers might not get hold of anything sensitive,

but the public embarrassment of a data breach is often damaging in its own right. By switching to the cloud, companies can reduce the risk that individuals will leave a back door open to hackers. Simple things like taking a company laptop filled with sensitive data out of the office open up the company to a huge amount of liability. However, if the data is stored on the cloud, if the laptop is lost then the company is only losing control of the physical device, not the data.

Respond to threats

Often, the quicker a company is able to respond to a threat, the less damage that can be done. This is particularly true of ransomware hacks, where an unsuspecting computer user might not immediately identify the threat and make the problem worse by trying to send emails to a colleague while their computer is compromised. When all company data is stored on the cloud, this means that the threat of ransomware is completely removed, provided there is a remote backup of all data. If a threat is detected, access to the cloud can be revoked and then reinstated once the machines are cleared by the IT team.  Protect from physical loss

Another threat that many companies don’t protect against is physical loss from theft. If your office was broken into and all the computers and backup hard drives were stolen, this data would be lost forever unless law enforcement could track down the equipment. Likewise, if your office is flooded or damaged by fire, then you run the risk of losing all of your company data if it is housed on physical devices in your office. By switching to the cloud, you can be assured that your data will be secure as it will be stored in high-security, vault-like structures designed to withstand all manner of natural disasters.

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