When you decide to renovate your home, three main reasons usually motivate this decision. We want to make it more economical and comfortable, less energy-hungry and therefore better insulated. We intend to pick my perfect to improve it from an aesthetic point of view. Or finally, we want to restore it in anticipation of future changes (arrival of a baby, etc.)

Whatever the reason, renovating the house is always a good thing because it optimizes its condition and, indeed, the well-being of those who live there.

But be careful, renovate a home is not improvised, there are different steps to follow if you want to be fully satisfied with its renovation project. Zoom on four major steps!

Establish a checklist of the work to be done

The checklist is the essential starting point for any renovation. Without it, you can not organize tasks, know what to attack first, and so on. A list of things to do allows you to plan your entire renovation project, ranging from small to large jobs, not to mention the extra sides (things to buy, equipment to come, etc.

On this checklist, first, draw up the work to be done (depending on the motivations that lead you to renovate your home). Start by registering the small jobs (like repainting the bedroom) and finish with the big jobs (redo the roof)

Once you are sure you have listed all the tasks, take them one by one and list now all the material you will need for each of them (hardware, products, specific equipment).

Do not hesitate to go into detail by including for example “pair of glasses” to protect your eyes during painting sessions, it is better to have a useless object on hand than missing an indispensable element.

Finally, when all this is done, you can evaluate the budget you will need for the whole and list the people you think you can call for this or that work.

When all the material is on-site and the requested people are present, you can get started.

Small jobs

Small jobs can encompass many things, including renovation of paintings and flooring (or change of coating), renovation acts most often carried out in homes. A house lives and changes over time. The paintings are deteriorating and in general fading (this process can be accelerated with the habits of people living in the house, smoking, etc.), soils are worn by frequent passages.

The tiles are damaged, scratched, the floors are dull. Whatever the type of coating, and it wears inevitably. Beyond the aesthetic aspect, what can push to want to remake the soil is the insulation.

This is particularly true with floors, which sometimes let air through, especially for soils on floors. To redo the paintings and the grounds is thus an aesthetic and practical question, to make the house more beautiful and comfortable.

Floor renovation

Renovate the floor for a total change of decor

The materials needed to redo the paints: to repaint the walls, you will need a tarp to protect the floors. Do not hesitate to put on furniture that you do not plan to leave the room. A sponge to remove drops of paint that would fall where it should not. Adhesive tape that you will apply to non-paint surfaces, such as skirting boards, door frames, etc.

You also need brushes of different sizes, as well as rollers. Also needed are a tray for dipping rolls and a spin rack. And finally a stool according to your height and the height of the walls.


The big thing in home improvement

The renovation of the roof, the facelift, or the earth in order to implement a pool are extensive work that is made (with a bit of knowledge) or that is made by doing a professional.

The reasons for renovating a roof are many, if damaged, to improve the quality of life by opting for more environmentally friendly materials, and generate effective tree service leads this gives you a new look to the house, and so on.

Side facade, it is cut to refresh, give a boost to his house. Namely that the facelift has become mandatory every ten years.

What equipment to renovate your roof and how to proceed:

The necessary equipment is according to the type of renovation. If your roof only needs a shot of frizz, you will only need specific brushes. On the other hand, if you wish to do it again, you need the material of your choice (slate, tile, zinc, wood, thatch, etc.)

Namely that depending on the geographical area where you live, there may be regulations regarding the permitted materials.

Some of the equipment you will need to include a harness, special shoes, knee pads, gloves, and a roof ladder, tarpaulins, etc.

There is not a single way to remake its roof, it is according to the configuration, including the material and the state of the roof. On the other hand, you must always discover the old coverage area by zone and ask the news in the same way.

What material to swallow its facade and how to proceed:

You must first choose the material with which you want to swallow your facade, it may be plaster or plaster, cladding boards, burnt wood, or cladding wood.

The installation material you will need will depend on the type of material chosen. For example for the plaster, you will need a spatula for the first pose than a roll “honeycomb” to give the pattern.

The same thing for the way of proceeding, it is different for each type of material. Know that there are many tutorials on the Internet if you do not know how to do it. If someone you know is familiar with this type of work, seek his advice or presence.

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