Parenting is an exciting journey full of challenges and joys. One of the most essential aspects of a baby’s health is optimal nutrition. It is extremely important to provide a baby’s needs with nutrients for proper growth and development during the first months of life. That is why young parents may need a basic guide to infant nutrition. So, where to start?

Breastfeeding is the best start

Breastfeeding is the best way to give an infant all the necessary nutrients and antibodies for strengthening the immune system. Breast milk consists of unique components, which help to avoid many problems with health, such as infections, allergies, and so on. Parents should keep in mind that breastfeeding is not only a way to provide the baby with the necessary nutrients but also an important means to provide an emotional connection with the baby. Here are some pieces of advice for successful breastfeeding:

  1. Correct application. It is important to apply the baby to the breast so the baby can get a sufficient quantity of milk and does not feel any discomfort.
  2. Frequent feedings. Newborns need feeding at the very least eight to twelve times a day. It supports the adequate growth and development of the baby.
  3. Mother’s balanced nutrition. The new mothers need to have an optimal diet, drink sufficient amounts of water, and avoid any stress.

Situations when breast milk is not enough

There can emerge a need to introduce additional nutrition to the infant in some situations. This may be due to various reasons, such as insufficient production of breast milk, the mother’s medical problems, or some other obstacles.

Organic baby formulas: selection and use

Organic baby formulas are an alternative to breast milk. The formulas are produced specifically to reproduce the composition of breast milk and satisfy an infant’s nutritional needs. Nevertheless, there is a lot of information parents need to know before choosing the formula for their baby.

The types of organic baby formulas

The modern market suggests a variety of choices. Everything young parents need is reliable sources of information and a selection of formulas. Organic’s Best Official Website suggests different types of infant formulas for every baby’s needs.

The main types of organic baby formulas are:

1. Cow formula. This type of formula is the most common among parents. Cow’s milk formulas are created by looking at the composition of actual breast milk. The cow milk formulas are enriched with different nutrients like probiotics and prebiotics, DHA and ARA, minerals, and vitamins A, D, and C.

2. Goat formula. The goat milk formula can be a great alternative for babies who cannot tolerate cow’s milk protein. Goat’s milk contains A2 beta-casein, while cow’s milk likely has A1. That is why this type of formula is more suitable for sensitive tummies. It contains prebiotics and a blend of organic vegetable oils.

3. Hypoallergenic formula. In cases where the baby starts to show any signs of allergies, a hypoallergenic formula comes to the rescue. HA formulas are designed in a specific way with extensively hydrolyzed milk proteins that reduce allergenicity. It is also enriched with essential fatty acids, different vitamins, and minerals.

What is common about these types of formulas is that they are strictly organic. This means that their ingredients come from European organic farms. That is why there is no need to worry that they may contain any pesticides, GMOs, or preservatives.

What is more, the formulas have needed amounts of certain nutrients for certain ages. The bricks of nutrition are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, which are crucial for a baby’s physical and psychological development.

Recommendations on selection and use:

  1. It is always better to consult the pediatrician before introducing the formula into the baby’s diet.
  2. Parents need to choose formulas that match the baby’s age, needs, and possible food allergies.
  3. The instructions on the preparation of milk formula should be followed.
  4. The bottles, nipples, and other utensils are to be sterilized before use.

General recommendations for new parents

  1. Listen to your baby. Infants have their own rhythm and appetite. Listen to their signals and react accordingly.
  2. Watch the reaction. Don’t forget that every baby is unique. Watch the reaction to the new nutrition and discover any allergic reactions in time.
  3. Care and affection. Parents’ care and affection are the most important things for the baby. Follow the doctor’s recommendations, but also trust your inner feelings.


Infant nutrition is an essential aspect of their health and development. Breastfeeding is the best variant, but sometimes the parents may need alternative ways of feeding. In that case, parents may need to choose organic baby formula. Regardless of the choice of formula, it is always better to consult your paediatrician and follow the recommendations on preparation and feeding. But the most important thing is to give the baby a lot of love, care, and attention.

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