Faceted navigation is a convenient and applicable way to put specific search options for the customers to find what they are searching on. By filtering relevant options, it assists the visitors to navigate so that they can get the exact information they are looking after. However, sometimes it creates multitudinous combinations of the same root reference. Such consists of four major issues like identical content, crawl junk, dilute link value, crawl traps. In this article, one can get to know about the following tips on how to audit faceted navigation for SEO.

How do facets work on a website? 

Facets can exist on multiple category pages and even on other sections of the site. There are no limitations to how many facets can append. To examine faceted navigation issues, we need to get familiar with the link that uses faceted navigation. We can use custom data extraction or segmentation to evaluate and envisage a website’s faceted navigation. It is necessary to look at whether the search engine bots are detecting the correct pages or wasting time on duplicate facet pages. To gather better knowledge on this issue, you can contact a faceted navigation service for guidance.

Navigation for SEO

Associate search demand for faceted pages:

Search demands create an impression of a website. A page created will always be quantified by the search demand. If there is low or no demand for a page created by faceted navigation, little or few people will consider going through the page. It should be ensured that the pages are indexable for generating high demands. Finally, prioritizing the optimal content will be beneficial for the website as it will allow serving more users, which will eventually drive more traffic and conversions. Using different buckets like indexing and blocking crawls can sort the faceted navigation pages.

Quantify traffic to facet pages:

There are numerous and specific kinds of facets available on a website. One can always analyze to spot those pages which are useful. In other words, which faceted pages are steering organic search traffic. The pages which are not driving any traffic through website architecture cause a huge wastage crawl budget risk. There are various common ways to be taken for resolving the inactivity of the pages. The content of the page should be changed by the facets to avoid duplicate content and increase the quality of the page. One should be cautious while using faceted navigation as it can cause a dynamic problem with the equivalent analytics of the pages, which will drain authority, link equity, and thus affecting the page’s ranking.

Recognize crawl junk on faceted pages:

Some faceted pages can steer traffic from organic pages where there exist more or less faceted pages that remain inactive and can waste crawl budgets that is a severe problem. To anticipate them, it is necessary to compare them on how those pages are generating several numbers of visitors. To understand the information on the page, the visitors have to use the right links on search engines to avoid implicating replicate pages. To avoid duplicity, we need to make sure that the search engine crawlers are not deteriorating the valuable crawl budget on pages that have no value. Commencing with averting search engine bots from crawling selected facets like brand or price to solve this faceted navigation dilemma.


From the above-mentioned tips and tricks, one can have the idea of how to master faceted navigation for SEO related issues and what is the urgency to do it. It is tough and challenging work, but if handled rightly by carefully planning and implementing the necessary actions, it will surely shoot up a website’s organic traffic and conversions.

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