All set for making the first impression? The nervousness seeps down, right? The word ‘interview’ in itself sets our heart beat faster. The key is to think of an interview as an opportunity and not as a test of your caliber. Of course, you would be tested but looking nervous at the time of interview won’t help you glide through. The art of facing an interview is acquired with time and experience. But knowing the tit-bits might make your experience of the interview worth it.

Acquire knowledge about the company and their work

company and their work

For anything one aims to achieve in life, some homework on one’s part is a must. It’s essential to search for the company, their business, and products, their reputation and competition, the key decision makers, as well as about the interviewer. It not only equips you with the material for the interview but also makes you more comfortable with the interviewer.

Prepare your Introduction well

No guesswork can be done regarding the questions that are going to be asked in the interview. But an introduction would be asked for, for sure. Why not prepare it well to set up an impression in the beginning so that the subsequent interview doesn’t go hard on you?

Keep the introduction part a bit precise but covering all aspects that you feel can get you the job. Along with the introduction, prepare for what you can offer to the company while being in position. The knowledge acquired about the company and its working would come to your rescue while answering this question.

Never lie on your resume

Less number of achievements won’t do the harm that a lie in the resume would do. The interviewers have the experience of interviewing for years. It’s easy for them to know when you are faking. A lie is a lie after all. No amount of justifications afterward can undo the harm. So better be real!

Also, try to heir a professional resume writer if you are a novice. But give them the information truest to your knowledge and check out once he/she is done with it. You could also make a resume yourself by using a resume maker app.

Dress for success and act confident


Dressing inappropriately is considered as a way to show lack of respect. Wear formals at an interview and try to set the bar for the co-competitors high. Your personality and dressing sense is the first thing that the interviewer would get to see. Also, pay heed to your hygiene.

Wear a smile while entering the room, followed by a firm handshake. Be confident enough. Answer the questions humbly and don’t interrupt the interviewer. If it happens by chance, apologize and let him continue first. Maintain eye contact and a correct posture throughout the interview.

Have your questions ready

Now, this is the opportunity to let the interviewer know how desperately you want this job. Your questions should show the hard work you have done on the research part regarding their company. The questions shouldn’t be lame and as if just asked for the sake of asking. Also, it’s an opportunity to clarify all your doubts regarding the company and their working, not to repent afterward.

Positivity is the master key

Throughout the interview, maintain a positive atmosphere by staying calm and polite. All the questions asked by the interviewer should be answered with an affirmative ideology. If criticism is thrown upon you for something, give justification with grace. Accept your flaws with a positive mindset and let the interviewer know that they can train you as per their environment.

The thank you mail

thank you

The end of the interview marks an end of the whole procedure for most of us. But that’s not the case. Whether you are expecting your selection or you feel the probability of getting rejected is higher, drop a thank you mail. It shows your etiquettes.

The thank you mail should enlist how glad you are to get the opportunity to give an interview for the post you had applied and the hope of getting selected for the same. Sometimes, this mail works as a savior. So, don’t miss the chance.

Make sure you nail it with these tips.

All the very best!

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