The COVID-19 situation has been very trying for many of us, especially when it comes to dating. A face mask and hand sanitizer is the rule of the day to help curb the spread of this infectious disease. This would certainly seem to make dating near impossible. But that’s not the case.

Although we can’t bring back the good old days of kissing, wining, and dining, we can certainly adjust our socializing approach. Suppose you’ve recently met a lady or gentleman online, but remain hesitant to meet up in person? Thankfully, there are various alternative options and activities to explore during this whole COVID-19 frenzy.

1. Learn the ropes

There’s one thing the Coronavirus situation has generously given us; time inside! There’s so much more time to get your stuff together. Gone are the days when sex was basic. Women (and men alike) want more intrigue and mystery than ever before. Sites like help give guys that extra oomph when winning over a girl.

Thanks to the social distancing laws, we have more time at home than we’ve liked, and no one is judging or limiting how naughty we are supposed to get. With a few clicks on Pua Training, you’ll have access to videos that will show you how to master her body and sex tips that will take your grinding and licking game to the next level. There are other bonus ‘how-to’s’ on sexting and getting bigger down there to help up your game even more.

2. Learn how to smize

Tyra Banks coined the term ‘size,’ meaning ‘smiling with your eyes.’ In this case, for people taking their options outdoors, smizing might be one of the only ways to show emotion without speaking. Following the CDC guidelines, it’s not only medical professionals that have to wear a face covering. Everyone has to wear them, as well as maintain about 6 feet of physical space.

Here’s the thing, although you want the best face masks with enough breathability, don’t opt for those drab surgical masks. Luckily, there are many types of masks out there. A reusable mask like those offered on NxTSTOP will keep you well protected without compromising your style. These dual-layer, wrinkle-resistant, 95% bamboo masks are comfortable to wear and come in cool plain colors that are not too distracting. Each fashionable fabric face mask also comes with adjustable ear loops that are not painful when on. All in all, they’re very stylish and better than your homemade masks. That’s all you need to give that million-dollar ‘smize’.

3. Take an online class together

In some areas, getting around town might be challenging for the general public, and transport is mostly reserved for essential workers including healthcare professionals. Rather than insist on physically meeting up, look for other fun options to explore, such as an online class. This is a great way to bond and it’s better to put in the time and effort remotely before getting together physically.


4. Plan any physical dates wisely

Some months ago, you could practically meet anywhere with less hygiene and health concerns. However, if you’re taking someone out, or meeting at a particular place, first ensure there’s enough space and ventilation. It’s also better to have a disinfectant handy, offer information about any symptoms you’ve had, and ask about your date’s symptoms. Although it may sound rude to ask outright if your date has any symptoms, remember that these questions are essential to prevent any sad stories later. If need be, you can still think about fun social distancing date ideas that’ll help you bond with this person.

5. Make virtual dates intimate

Obeying all the rules, remembering to go out with a mask, and being away from loved ones is a lot. Rather than complaining, make the best use of dating apps and social media platforms. For couples or singles that are not geographically close, this is the time to practice patience, have deep conversations, and explore virtual date ideas. It’s not just about sex now. Pandemic dating has to be more intimate. Get to know this person well before letting them into your heart and your space.

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