How to Preserve Memories and Stay Organised with a Traveler’s Notebook

Notebook are the perfect way to treasure your memories and organise your life! Sure, it’s hard and maybe even a little weird to unglue your eyes off all those screens that surround you day in day out, but it’s really worth it once you get into the habit of doing it! You’ll find that once you get into the swing of things, there are countless ways to fill those blank pages that are in front of you. If you’re still sitting on the fence, floating in between do I or don’t I, read on, reader! Here’s how your traveler’s notebook can help you to preserve memories and stay organised…

Daily Planner

Your traveler’s notebook is perfect for upping the organisation levels of your day to day life. Reach for a dated diary to ensure that your appointments, social calendar, and scheduled meetings are all firmly in check, all year long. Your precious pages will all be perfectly protected in a tactile, leather traveler’s book, so you can bring your planner along with you on your commute, to coffee dates, and to important corporate events knowing it’ll all stay pristine.

Important Documents

High priority information needs a protective, durable and, let’s face it, stylish place to live! All your important documents, files, notes, meeting minutes and other notes can be stashed inside of your traveler’s notebook. This is going to help you to stay highly organised and on top of things on a regular basis! You’ll also enjoy a streamlined form of storing data – goodbye, clunky filing cabinet!

Travel Journal

Keeping true to the name, you can absolutely use your traveler’s notebook as a travel journal! The protective covering is perfect for traveling across the globe. Stash your creative musings, sketches and jot down memories so that they can last a lifetime in your journal. Let’s face it, your Instagram feed just can’t bring back that wistful feeling you had exploring the dessert, sailing the ocean or pounding the city pavements. Writing down accounts is far more personable and immersive, and you’ll look back on these notes with so much joy down the line!

Bullet Journal

Bullet journaling has just exploded recently! This fun and creative form of journaling organises your life down to every single task, coffee date or assignment. Those who live the bullet journal life claim to be committed for the long haul, so there’s definitely something to this amazingly organised and efficient way of everyday organisation. Grab a travel journal with dotted or blank pages to get the most out of this powerfully playful journaling format.

Recipe Book

Your notebook is the ideal spot for recording down your culinary creations. Recipe books are becoming more and more antiquated with our constant access to the internet, but they’ve been used for so many years for a reason. You can write down all your personal recipes with special notes, pictures and even diary entries that recount the day you made your tasty treats!

Health Diary

Your wellbeing is not something to be taken lightly, so why not get serious about your health habits by keeping a detailed food and exercise log? This is an amazing way to track your lifestyle and potentially even kick start your weight loss journey! Note when you’ve worked out, what you’ve eaten, how many hours you’ve slept and how your energy levels are feeling to feel proud and understand your body a little better.

These are just some of the handy functions that your mighty little traveler’s notebook could take on! Go on getting writing, people!


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